The quest for so-called novel proteins is incessant and more shared than ever before. For a great variety of reasons. Nutritional ones, ecological ones, economic ones, sustainability ones. And a few more.
The quest for so-called novel proteins is incessant and more shared than ever before. For a great variety of reasons. Nutritional ones, ecological ones, economic ones, sustainability ones. And a few more.
In one of Debbie Phillips-Donaldson´s (Petfood Industry) recent articles about trends, the last paragraph caught my eye. New standards for super-premium were mentioned (note: not by Debbie herself, she quoted somebody else). I read that with mixed feelings. Jealousy because there seem to be standards for super-premium I wasn´t aware of and joy because super-premium had become […]
Over the years people in any industry have ideas concerning their activity. Whether product or business or systems or processes, just ideas. Sometimes these ideas get executed. In most cases however they don’t. For a variety of reasons. Too early = market is not ready, too complicated, not doable because of the state of technology. […]
A very interesting blog in (Pet eNews January 2 2018) mentions a study done by Drexel University. Debbie Phillips-Donaldson’s excellent article about the study shows a vivid example of how far we can go off course as an industry. Bloggers vilifying tripe as an ingredient for pet food; with pet food manufacturers concurring in their […]
With increased frequency developments of stem cell meat are reported or documentaries shown on telev...
Marcel Blok is the sole owner of Change Stranamics. The main activity of the company is to act as advisor to players in the global pet industry. This advice will primarily be strategic in nature and aims to help companies and its owners to find and stay on the road to a sustainable future.
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