
About us

Marcel Blok is the sole owner of Change Stranamics. The main activity of the company is to act as advisor to players in the global pet industry. This advice will primarily be strategic in nature and aims to help companies and its owners to find and stay on the road to a sustainable future.

Change Stranamics saw the light in early 1995 with the aim to set up an advisory service for the pet industry. A deliberate choice. Because that’s where Marcel’s experiences since 1982 were. And his heart still is. And thus inherently his potential contributions to his clients’ businesses. Change Stranamics and Marcel Blok are synonymous. Not only is Marcel the sole owner of the company, he’s its sole employee. Because he strongly believes that business-relationships in the field of advice are between people; much more than between companies.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help improve the professionalism, performance and sustainability of internationally oriented companies in the pet industry.

Our experience

Marcel Blok has 42 years of experience in the industry. In senior marketing positions, as the founder and first president of Iams Europe; and as consultant to both U.S. and European blue chips in the industry. In later years mainly to medium-sized, family-owned companies. Would you like to see more?

Already in the 90s of the previous millennium, Marcel took the initiative to co-operate with like-minded people from the industry to establish some extra services that benefit operators in the pet industry. These services are Breakthrough and Open Minds.

Our History

Since 1995, Marcel Blok is a self-employed consultant to the industry. Typical consultancy assignments relate to strategy and its execution, whether for start-ups, turn-arounds or companies going into their next stage of development. Marcel’s consultancy has taken him to five continents of the world, addressing change and the dynamics and challenges of the industry. He has presented on a variety of subjects at some 22 pet-related fora and conferences. For audiences ranging from senior management to top management and company owners.

Change Stranamics Marcel Blok

    Marcel Blok is the sole owner of Change Stranamics. The main activity of the company is to act as advisor to players in the global pet industry. This advice will primarily be strategic in nature and aims to help companies and its owners to find and stay on the road to a sustainable future.


    Hogeweg 15, NL – 5823 CD Maashees


    +31(0)478 636388
    +31 (0)653 390707

