A different future is waiting for us.
A different future is waiting for us. A welcome challenge for some, an unwelcome nightmare for others. But different all the same. That’s what change is about!
The pandemic is often mentioned as a game-changer. Which I think is wrong. Most of the trends that are spoken about today were already there – and noticeable – before the pandemic.
The difference now is that their implementation is accelerated; sometimes significantly.
Whether we call the difference the new normal or new realities or whatever new is irrelevant.
The game hasn’t changed, but a different set of rules apply. Therefore using the old, trusted and pre-pandemic axioms to plan your business is dangerous and therefore ill-advised!
Just ask yourself these 5 questions:
- Do you find it difficult to implement a sustainability-strategy?
- Do you believe that supply-chains for your key raw materials will change?
- Do you feel that transparency and regulations are sometimes conflicting?
- Do you follow trends in human food to find out what the future trends in pet food may be?
- Do you think the above 4 questions are total nonsense?
If you can answer only 80% of these questions with yes, you’re missing a point. We may need to talk.
Contact me at marcel.blok@changestranamics.com to find out what we can do together.