Unexploited wealth.
Over the years people in any industry have ideas concerning their activity. Whether product or business or systems or processes, just ideas. Sometimes these ideas get executed. In most cases however they don’t. For a variety of reasons. Too early = market is not ready, too complicated, not doable because of the state of technology. And of course NIH = Not Invented Here. And the mausoleum for well-intended and thouhgt-through ideas continues to expand.
During my last 35 years in the pet food industry I had numerous ideas (more to come), mainly concerning product. Spontaneous ones, created during creative sessions and so on. And these ideas met the fate as I described above. But I retained the essence of all these ideas. It’s a long list.
Some of you may also have your own list of discarded and forgotten ideas. Dig it up if you can. And see if the objections of the past are still valid. If not, revitalise the ideas. Because nothing is more valuable than meaningful ideas that can be executed; certainly if you operate in a saturated market.
Exploit the hidden wealth and turn once discarded ideas into profitable reality.