Change Stranamics.

Welcome to Change Stranamics

An internationally oriented consulting company for the pet industry. In order to fully service your company, we created 21st Pet Street. The street where changes are being made. In the various buildings, you find all the activities that Change Stranamics and owner Marcel Blok are involved in.

Why change?
Change is the only constant in life. Our business-environment is dynamic and adapts itself to new circumstances. Sometimes, unbiased outsiders are needed to help companies set out new ways forward.

Why Change Stranamics

  • We bring 37 years of experience in the industry with us.
  • In senior and top management positions with the responsibility to guide the company and its brands into a healthy and sustainable future.
  • As consultants to a broad variety of companies in the last 25 years we continue to widen and deepen our knowhow and insights.
  • We focus on one industry: yours! So that we do not have to spend valuable time (and money) to understand your business-environment; which is ours as well!
  • We stick to our promises and deliver what is agreed (and most of the time even more than that).

All our services find their origin in the idea that we want to enable your business to adapt to the constant and rapid changes in the pet industry. Want to know more? Get in touch. We’re only a click or a phone call away.

    Marcel Blok is the sole owner of Change Stranamics. The main activity of the company is to act as advisor to players in the global pet industry. This advice will primarily be strategic in nature and aims to help companies and its owners to find and stay on the road to a sustainable future.


    Hogeweg 15, NL – 5823 CD Maashees


    +31(0)478 636388
    +31 (0)653 390707